GS NMN & Peptide Moisturizer Spray保湿喷雾
- 保湿紧致焕新肌肤小马达:6效合1 爽肤水 / 眼霜 / 精华液 / 日霜 / 晚霜 / 颈霜
- 功能性:深层补水 / 持久锁水 / 保湿成分促进快速渗透肌肤 / NMN与肽喷雾形成保护屏障,实现长效保湿 / 增强细胞活力,从根源焕活肌肤
- 核心成分:99.9% NMN / 诺贝尔活性寡肽 / 水解胶原蛋白 / 烟酰胺 / 27种天然萃取
- 零添加,适用各种肤质:0酒精 / 0激素 / 0重金属 / 0抗生素 / 0漂白剂 / 0香精 / 0色素 / 0矿油
- 认证:FDA批准 / GMP认证 / 不含羟苯甲酯
- 四大活性成分,迅速渗透,提升细胞活力,肌肤根源性焕新。
- 深层补水,水解胶原蛋白和烟酰胺,两大高渗透保湿精华,为肌肤注入源源水力。
- 长效锁水,NMN & 活性寡肽形成水分保护膜,肌肤持久水润在线。
AAWEA is a nonprofit organization, and the products featured in our shop are generously donated by members. Please note that 10% of the sales proceeds from this item will be donated to AAWEA to support its mission and programs. AAWEA does not guarantee the condition, functionality, or suitability of the items sold. Purchases are made at the buyer’s discretion.
For any questions or concerns about the products, please contact the member for assistance. Please note that, due to the nature of the donations, products are generally sold as-is and are not eligible for returns or exchanges.
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