每月至少一次的女创meet up活动,旨在激发和唤醒所有女性的内在力量。这里是你能够发现自我,挖掘内在潜力,和志同道合的女性一起,开启自己人生新的篇章的平台。我们热烈欢迎所有寻求成长,追求自我价值实现的女性朋友们参与!
Our monthly Women Entrepreneurs Meetup aims to ignite and awaken the inner power of all women. This is a platform where you can discover yourself, tap into your potential, and embark on a new chapter of your life alongside like-minded women. We warmly welcome all women who are seeking growth and the fulfillment of their own value to join us!

coaching studio 教练工坊
The Women Entrepreneurs Coaching Workshop is tailored for Asian female entrepreneurs, aiming to enhance personal and professional skills through expert guidance and practical exercises. Here, you will learn how to set goals more effectively, solve problems, and achieve self-growth with the help of professional coaches.

awaken journey
《她们在他乡》/ "Awaken Journey" 是一个由AAWEA主办的纪录片系列,旨在深入探索和展现在海外生活的亚裔女性的真实故事。这个项目通过捕捉她们日常生活的精彩瞬间,揭示了她们的挑战、选择、喜悦和艰辛。每一集纪录片都是对一位主人公的深入剖析,从她们的个人经历和情感旅程中,展现了亚裔女性在异国他乡的生活状态和心理状态。
"Awaken Journey" is a documentary series sponsored by AAWEA, focusing on exploring and showcasing the real stories of Asian women living abroad. This project captures the wonderful moments of their daily lives, revealing their challenges, choices, joys, and hardships. Each episode of the documentary deeply analyzes a protagonist, displaying the living and psychological states of Asian women in a foreign land through their personal experiences and emotional journeys.