Jinjin Fan
Jinjin Fan
-JJ's Crochet Art Studio创始人
Founder of JJ's Crochet Art Studio
Announcing and hosting major
Background in social psychology and media studies
Hosted over 100 roadshows,large conferences and commercial events
今金是JJ's Crochet Art Studio的创始人。她拥有社会心理学、传媒学背景,播音主持专业出身。在中国时在当地电视台做民生类节目策划和外景主持,担任大型会议商演路演主持人过百场。2015年移民美国,现在约翰霍普金斯大学Communication专业继续深造学习。她热爱生活喜欢运动,获得瑜伽专业认证,喜欢手工钩针、绘画,怀揣着自己的热爱与理想,她在2022年创办了自己的工作室JJ's Crochet Art Studio,期待用自己的热爱影响更多的人,和大家一起更好的拥抱生活,发现生活的美。
Jinjin is the founder of JJ's Crochet Art Studio. She has a background in social psychology and media studies, and is a broadcast host. She immigrated to the U.S. in 2015 and is now studying Communication at Johns Hopkins University. With her love for life and sports, she is certified in yoga and enjoys hand crocheting and painting. With her love and expectation, she founded her own studio JJ's Crochet Art Studio in 2022, looking forward to influencing more people with love, embracing life better and discovering the beauty of life with everyone.